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2022 Christmas Giveaway

To celebrate the Season of Giving, from 5 to 11 December 2022, redONE gives away a $200 Christmas Set value when you nominate a loved one.

What better way to enjoy the Christmas Season? Enjoy the comfort of your home and receive a hot delivery of Christmas goods from redONE. Take part and stand a chance to be one of the lucky winners of the Christmas Giveaway!

redONE has simplified the giveaway and made it available to all existing and active subscribers. Follow them on their social media handles and tag one loved one in a comment on why you would like to share this feast with them!

These prizes are our way of saying thank you for being part of our redONE family and spreading the season’s joy. Let’s come together to celebrate the bonds that matter most this festive season. It’s a time for sharing, caring, and creating cherished memories. Join us from the 5th to the 11th of December 2022, and let’s make this Christmas a season of giving and receiving love.

Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to this heartwarming celebration.

redONE is here to make your holiday season truly special.
